Friday 24 May 2013

So.... I just got my result by mail.....

and I got overall 69.........

my god seriously?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now I hope they didnt combine the results of both terms.......

My world is ending (echo echo echo echo echo)

Tuesday 7 May 2013

What I am Thinking and Why I became a Vegetarian

Life / Value / Judgement 

This little one is still alive, and I hope he will live forever
(in a selfish way)

I lost my little puppy last year, and my mind changed a lot since then (sound too dramatic but true, haha). It has been a time when I stay up all night can’t stop thinking of him. Is he living happily in heaven? Would he blame me for not doing enough for him? Is he missing me too? Or, does heaven even exist? Then I convince myself I probably should stop being stupid, I cannot do a thing right now so why should I still blame myself with the things we all couldn't do? 

I started to think, again, what could I help? Besides from being thankful and to treasure everything around me. What else can I do to save some ‘little life’? Stop one from being sad of losing something? (Gone too far)

And I decided to stop eating animals.

I do not think anyone would have the ‘right’ to judge life. Or to take away one’s life. I’m not saying eating meat is wrong (because that is not fair and would be a way of me judging people). I’m writing because I consider life as a ‘big thing’, and something can be changed, in a better way. Not telling anyone to stop eating meat but to think deeper, before enjoying your meals.

Back to the far far beginning, back to the history, why do we kill animals? Because we didn’t have choice, we needed to survive, we needed to protect ourselves from the beasts; we needed to eat in order to maintain our life. I understand that, but we are no longer hunter-gatherers. Most of us are lucky, we do not have to worry about running from the beasts, or have no food to eat (In fact we, human is more scary in a way). We have choices, and we have too much.

What makes us think we have the ‘right’ or ‘power’ to kill animals? One may say, because we born to be more clever and creative, we think, we do things that other animals can’t do, we dominate over others, we contribute, we have moral and standard, we are special. Pig didn’t choose to be a pig, life chooses them. Each one of us has only one life, and so as the others. What is the different? How can we eat animal because we think our life is more valuable? How do we define value? How do we measure contribution? How do we know they are not contributing in their own way?

And on top of that, because we have moral and standard, because we can think more than all of the others, we should not kill or eat them. What would you feel if someone close to you died? I cried 2 weeks when my dog passed away. Our life is equal; every life is here for a reason, not for us to eat. What if the role goes the other way around, what if we are the prey? How about that? (that will be pretty funny)

And you may think, even if I stop eating animal now, majority of people do, it wouldn’t help. But the thing is, everyone on earth count. One more person stop eating meat, its one (plus me is two, plus all the other vegetarians out there is countless) Maybe, not every vegetarian would think the same way as I do, but I don’t care, a lot more lives survived after all.

Human body actually do not require much nutrition from meat to run.  Especially us, people in the developed world. Meat mainly contains protein, iron, fats and vitamins, and all this nutrition can be found in lots other food we eat daily. Protein, which is essential to our body to repair and build cells. We can get protein through other food such as nuts, eggs, dairy food, soya etc. Iron, which helps carry oxygen throughout our body and helps building red blood cells, can be founded in pulses, nuts, green leaf vegetables, seeds and more. Vitamins, from all the fruits and vegetables, and everything we eat. And finally, fats, meat contains saturated fat, which is not healthy for human body. Saturated fat increases the cholesterol in blood that can leads to heart disease. So, what do we eat meat for?

And stop eating meat for environmental reasons; the media has been widely reporting the relationship between meat eating and global warming, which because meat causes greenhouse gases carbon dioxide. I thing every one of us has heard about that.

Another thing is, it’s not that hard to stop eating meat. You might like eating them a lot that you think you cannot survive without eating it, and that is exactly what stops you. Stop thinking, and start trying. You will be surprised by the things you can do.

I’ve been thinking a lot about ‘life’ lately, because I love my little puppy, everyone around me, now and before. I’m scared of losing things, anything. And everything is life, the reindeers running in Scotland; the birds that usually sleep on the tree outside of my window; the little ladybug fell on my hair today; your loved one; and all the others you put in your dishes everyday.

Everything is life, and life makes up this world (sometime I even think I should stop eating plants as well, because ‘they’ are life in a way, someone please answer me if I should still consider myself as vegetarian if I eat plants, or should I be a ‘non-life eater’ (??), this confuse me a lot). Because I treasure everything that makes up this world, even if someone told me I’m too stupid to save a spider in my bathroom. (I cried a whole night when I was using a cup to ‘remove’ the spider from my bathroom I accidentally broke one of its legs because I’m too scared of bugs and the spider is too scared of me.) They don’t understand, and they think I’m stupid even I explain to them. But it wouldn’t be fair if I judge life in my own perspective, wouldn’t be fair to anything that has only one life (excepting you have two). This is just my own opinion after all.

I hope if anyone is reading this, please think, think of the value of life and how we have been told to value things.  (Even if no one is reading this, I feel better because I finally expressed myself)

____ asks me, why did I stop eating animal?

Someone has loved you, and now it’s time to pay it back.

Saturday 30 March 2013

I'm Yours (LANscape cover)

Covering  Jason Mraz - I'm yours

We always like to chill together in the kitchen or my room and sing like crazy, play guitar and all other instruments we've got. It isn't the first time we forgot time (&all our works) and all in a sudden, the sun comes out. We have so many different versions of lilian or me or agatha playing the guitar or drums and piano on ipads or harmonica on different songs. and we named ourselves LAN(scape). Such a stupid name but we like it.

And this time we decided to do a little cover, just for ourselves.
And this is Agatha playing the guitar, Nichole and Lilian singing.
not very professional like, but hope you like it.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Little Prank On My Neighbor

2013 03 13     00:54:29
My neighbor is probably working so hard on her art work at the library.

and I'm busy today doing my 'art work' too.

Since I graduated from high school, I probably haven't been doing anything 'big', anything I really 'love' to do. Apart from drawing on my note book and making little paper model of animal.

I always love to play little prank on people because it never fail to make someone laugh. 
This time, just a little bit more.
We put up little note everywhere in her room just to give her a little surprise when she reach home after a extremely exhausted night of working


Dear Ashley, We hope you like it.

the notes aren't really sweet, but you know we love you so thats fine.

with loves,
from your sweet neighbors

Sunday 24 February 2013

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Flipping Book

After all, I failed making gif on photoshop. I can't convert the video frames into layers.
this is what photoshop said,

Photoshop: Import Video Frames To Layers is not available in the 64 bit version of photoshop, only 32 bit version. And I'm stupid 64 bit and I don't like you using me all the time and don't even give me any food to eat! so I'm not working for you anymore. I decided to shut down and go to sleeping mode! Don't dare you wake me up you stupid nerd.

thats what he said....

Saturday 9 February 2013


I was stuck with my essay so I went on youtube to find my 'go to' song/video Body Cage by Jamie Swarbrick (/ Four Visions - About Us). This might be a wired choice for 'thinking' but it always works for me and keeps me go on writing. I haven't been watching his new videos lately as it always causes me energy to think deep of.      I heard that this sunday will snow again, (I kinda hope it will snow really) and I told myself its nothing wrong to watch a video with snow to prepare my mind for a few days of white february. And as always, I'm impressed.

4minutes 26seconds of his life, and mine. Really appreciate how he captures things delicately, and change the focus on little details that we don't normally spend time looking at or don't even notice. Every scenes in this video are beautiful like a decent drawing, no matter when I pause, each second of it can be my new wallpaper. And I like how he pans the camera from one end to another, each shots are carefully put together, but naturally.        This is a little piece of his life, nothing too fancy, but he created a video that has the power to gather people around and all call it beautiful, all smile a little while. And the power to influence and recall our memory, something warm, sweet and beautiful. We tend to forget things that make us smile, something we treasured, something that is simple and pure. This act like a reminder, before I officially become 'an adult'. Really really good lyrics as well, his choice of music impresses me every time with no fail. I can't say enough good things and beautiful about tht, this is definitely worth sharing.      So now I have thought deep, and have no energy left for my essay, hurray! I know this is an excuse.