Tuesday 12 March 2013

Little Prank On My Neighbor

2013 03 13     00:54:29
My neighbor is probably working so hard on her art work at the library.

and I'm busy today doing my 'art work' too.

Since I graduated from high school, I probably haven't been doing anything 'big', anything I really 'love' to do. Apart from drawing on my note book and making little paper model of animal.

I always love to play little prank on people because it never fail to make someone laugh. 
This time, just a little bit more.
We put up little note everywhere in her room just to give her a little surprise when she reach home after a extremely exhausted night of working


Dear Ashley, We hope you like it.

the notes aren't really sweet, but you know we love you so thats fine.

with loves,
from your sweet neighbors


  1. Did your neighbour like the prank?!

    1. hahaa, she actually shouted and did took her quite a long time to read all the notes
      I think she likes it though
